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Federal Work-Study Information for Students 

Federal Work-Study funding helps provide part-time jobs for students with financial need. Being awarded work-study funds allows you to apply for jobs that specifically have the work-study designation. If you are awarded work-study and secure a work-study job, you will be paid monthly for hours worked.

Students with work-study jobs are paid the same hourly rate as other student workers in the same position (wage rate will vary by position and employer). The primary difference is that work-study wages are paid primarily through federal funding rather than by the employer. As such, some employers may prefer or require work-study students to fill their student positions. However, many employers still hire students without work-study, so don't let not being awarded work-study deter you from still applying to student jobs!

If awarded, Federal Work-Study funds show up as part of your financial aid award. Go to your Financial Aid Portal to review your offer and accept the Work Study funding. You must be enrolled at least half-time to be eligible for a Work-Study job during the academic year. After accepting, the next step is to find a job.

How to Find a Federal College Work-Study Job at OSU

There are both on-campus and off-campus employers that may hire you as a Work-Study student.

Go to OSU Office of Human Resources page.

  • Select the “STUDENT” bar, then search the posting which are available under the Position Type: Student.
  • You can also search by Department or Job Location.

You won’t find a listing of Work-Study only jobs here, as most of the job postings do not require you to have Work-Study funds to be hired. Let your prospective employer know that you have a Work-Study award so that you can be hired as a Work-Study student!

Go to the Career Development Center page:

  • Select “Handshake” and log in with your ONID information.
  • Remember to search for “Work-Study” as this job engine includes internships and other opportunities. You will be paid through OSU payroll for work performed for the off-campus employer.

If you’ve never done a job search before, Career Services offers resources for students looking for jobs. They can help with cover letters, resume, etc.

Below is information about working, getting paid, and conditions for Federal Work-Study employment for Students and Employers that you should know.

  1. Employment under a Work-Study agreement ends when the student earns the gross amount of funding as authorized, is not initially registered at least half-time for a term, has outstanding Financial Aid requirements, or is no longer an OSU student.
  2. The hiring department must pay 100% of student wages after Work-Study ends.
  3. Students and employers are responsible for monitoring earning totals and limits.
  4. You may work up to but not more than 20 hours a week combined for all student employment, including regular and/or Federal Work-Study jobs and assistantships. *Note this amount will increase to 24 hours a week as of July 1, 2023 for at least the duration of a one-year pilot program.* You may work up to 40 hours per week during breaks between terms IF you are enrolled at least ½ time for the previous term and the next term (exception: you may not work between the end of the spring term and July 1).
  5. You will get a paycheck once a month for the hours you worked during the previous pay period. Your earnings are NOT credited to your billing account.
  6. The student’s award may change at any time during the year if a student receives additional financial resources resulting in a reduction or cancellation of Federal Work-Study.
  7. The student’s Federal Work-Study award is divided evenly between jobs when students are hired for more than one work-study position.
  8. Students are not automatically eligible for Federal Work-Study each year.
  9. Summer use of Work-Study requires a minimum ½ time enrollment for the summer term. In the summer you may not work between the end of spring term and July 1s (the start of the fiscal year). Please contact your employer or the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions.

Federal Work-Study for On-Campus Employers

On-Campus Employers (OSU Cascades, OSU E-campus, OSU Corvallis): please visit the Benny Hire website for additional information. Please contact the Student Employment team if you need assistance.

Federal Work-Study for Off-Campus Employers

The Federal Work-Study Program OSU Off-Campus Employer Handbook provides information to new or returning Off-Campus Employers and details Federal Work-Study Program Requirements.