OSU Resources

Educational Opportunities Program (EOP)

The Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) provides a welcoming environment that supports the full development of the personal and academic potential of students who have traditionally been denied equal access to higher education. The program was created at Oregon State University in 1969 and provides support to students of color, students with disabilities, students who are single parents, low-income students, students who have been rurally isolated, veterans, older-than-average (25+), or 1st generation in college (neither parent graduated).

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center is located in Waldo Hall and provides a host of services, from study tables to supplemental instruction and coaching, helping students overcome challenges and working with high achievers to help them reach the next level.


The Office of Advocacy provides advice and guidance to students who have a dispute within the university. In addition, the office serves as policy advisor and researcher to the ASOSU President and Vice-President. Furthermore, we seek to function as a problem solver for all 24,000+ students who are currently enrolled at OSU.

Legal Advising

The Student Legal Services Office is one of the services offered by the Associated Students of Oregon State University. Legal Services are provided to OSU students through Access the Law. Their office provides legal advice and representation to OSU students when they have a dispute that does not pertain to the University.

Safe Ride

SafeRide is a service dedicated to assault prevention, to OSU students, Faculty and Staff. One of the most important services they offer is free transportation to and from campus for all OSU students. To call for a ride, dial 541.737.5000. Before calling, please review their policies, boundaries and hours of operation. If you would like more information on services, programs or activities available through SafeRide, please call the main office at 541.737.5000 or email saferide@oregonstate.edu.

Career Services

Career Services can help you discover your interests and select a major or field of study, find an internship or full-time employment, or apply for graduate or professional school. They offer professional career advice and are your best resource for job outlook, salary, and employment trend information.

Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU)

ASOSU is an organization that promotes academic excellence, encourage the intellectual, social, cultural, and physical development of the student body, and enable the student body to assert its varied interests as citizens and members of the academic community through democratic representation.

Clubs and Organizations

Clubs & Organizations strives to connect with students and provide insights on a large range of student resources and areas of interests. We aim to help each student club and organization successfully navigate funding, events, activities, membership development, outreach and more!

Childcare & Family Resources

Oregon State University recognizes the importance of quality child care information and services for university-associated families. On their site you will find on-campus resources like child care subsidies for students, staff and faculty, child care centers, research, lactation rooms, and a map showing where they all are. You'll also find links to the many community resources available. They keep an up-to-the-minute calendar of family friendly events happening in our community and on campus.

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services provides counseling, consultation, outreach and education to OSU students, faculty, and staff. They do this in order to facilitate student’s academic success, mental health, and personal development and to promote a culture of positive mental health at OSU.

Disability Access Services

Disability Access Services (DAS) facilitates access to University programs and services for students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities through accommodations, education, consultation, and advocacy.

Basic Needs Center

The Basic Needs Center provides direct service, outreach, education, and referral services to OSU students that help alleviate the effects of hunger, poverty, and other human needs so that students can pursue a quality education. They also create a dynamic learning environment in which students, faculty, and the community can learn how to meet the current pressing societal challenges facing college students.

BNC is an excellent resource for students who may struggle to secure sufficient food and housing. Students seeking SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits can also get assistance in navigating the application process. 

Office of Global Opportunities

Administers, promotes, and advises OSU students, faculty, and staff on opportunities related to the International Degree program, study abroad, international internships and service learning, and education abroad scholarships and fellowships.

Student Conflict Management

The University Ombuds Office promotes a civil and inclusive campus community by providing informal, impartial, and confidential* conflict management services to all members of the university community. The Ombuds assists with individual concerns through service and education, and serves as a change agent to address group conflict and systemic concerns. It is the goal of the Ombuds to foster a culture of healthy, safe and open dialogue, and facilitate cooperative problem resolution.

Student Health Services

SHS clinicians, health educators and other highly skilled health professionals provide campus wide comprehensive primary health care, disease prevention and treatment services, and extensive health promotion for all OSU students.

Veterans Services

The mission of Veterans Services is to help student veterans successfully navigate the Oregon State University structure while accomplishing their education goals and maximizing their VA benefits.